Alma Lewtom

Cleansing and Purification (I): The Element of Water

Cleansing and Purification are necessary in the process of healing any kind of mental and emotional trauma or physical disease. When we are traumatized, the hurtful thoughts and emotions can mud our energetic field. That affects us much like pollution affects the environment.

It is part of the healing process to cleanse and purify ourselves of all the toxic mental and emotional energy that comes after a harmful interaction that causes a trauma for us.

For this reason, I have decided to continue my healing journey by asking help from the elements of water, air, fire and earth to assist me with the cleansing of everything that is still painful in my life. The first element I have chosen to assist in the healing of the trauma is Water.


Water is purifying

Water has amazing properties for purification. Just as we cleanse our bodies of the dirt we pick up during the day by taking a bath or a shower, so can we cleanse our minds and hearts when they are bruised by trauma.

Clear, calm water calms down the emotional body, and it helps put the mind at ease as well.

We can always use water to help us heal the mental, emotional and energetic disturbances that affect our lives on many levels, if that happens to be our momentary life experience.


Cleansing and Purification with Water Meditation

Thus, I have created a Cleansing and Purification with Water Meditation! It’s powerful in cleansing and purifying us of guilt, shame, sorrow, anger and all the other painful emotions that come up when we experience something traumatic.

I invite you to join me in this healing meditation series, if you feel called! It is with deep healing thoughts that I offer it to you. Sign up to receive access to it (and the other 3 meditations):


Much Love,

P.S. If you listen to the meditation and you find it valuable, I’d love to hear from you in the comments! It’d mean the World to me to know it’s been helpful to you too!

My Heart Journal by Alma Lewtom
After The Storm Comes The Sun-Illustrated Children's Book
The Inner Child Healing Journey
Art Prints



  • Emil Hjort

    Your voice is sooo soothing…. I think this is a really profound meditation… I know it will help a lot of people… Right now I don’t experience negativity, but it was sooo calming and wonderful 🙂

  • Alma Lewtom

    Thank you so much, Emil! I’m so happy you enjoyed it ♡ I’m so looking forward to the following elements as well! And I hope it will help a lot of people too ♡

  • Marina-Bianca Munteanu

    Such a wonderful meditation! It felt great to be guided into visualising all those emotions.

    Thank you!!

  • Alma Lewtom

    Thank you so kindly! It’s great to hear that! Much Love ♡

  • Spirit, the Element Connecting Everything in Existence – Alma Lewtom

    […] the last month, I’ve been pondering about the alchemical elements of Water, Air, Fire and Earth. Thus, The Cleansing with the Elements Journey was born, a meditation series […]

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    Lovely data. With thanks.

  • Alma Lewtom

    With much Love! All the best ♡

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Alma Lewtom