Alma Lewtom

Cleansing and Purification (II): The Element of Air

Our Cleansing and Purification with the Elements Journey continues this time with the element of Air. Last week, we experienced a deep inner healing from the element of Water, and this week we will ask for assistance from the element of Air. I hope you’re excited about it!


Air, The Creative Breath of Life

The Element of Air is deeply connected with breath, and thus with Life and Creation. Air is vital for the sustenance of Life. Each breath in and each breath out ensures the continuation of Life in this physical form.

Due to its essential properties necessary for the respiratory system, Air is also associated with speech and communication. Inhaling and exhaling are indispensable for the formation of verbal sounds, and so is Air as the medium for their propagation.

Invisible and immaterial, Air is a key element for the birth and continuity of Life.


Cleansing and Purification with Air Meditation

To go further on this journey, I have created a Cleansing and Purification with Air Meditation. It is powerful in assisting us to release all distressing thoughts and feelings that we may have picked up along our passage on this planet up until now.

If you are ready and willing to embark on this journey, I welcome you with joy! All you have to do is to sign up to receive access to it (plus, the other 3 meditations):


Much Love,

P.S. If you join me in this journey and you are enjoying it, I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

My Heart Journal by Alma Lewtom
After The Storm Comes The Sun-Illustrated Children's Book
The Inner Child Healing Journey
Art Prints



  • rick spisak

    Beautifully written
    and spiritually wise
    Bless you!

  • Alma Lewtom

    Thank you so much! I’m happy to hear it. I’m so looking forward to the element of Fire and Earth coming next!
    Many blessings to you too!

  • Cleansing and Purification (III): The Element of Fire – Alma Lewtom

    […] with the Elements Journey! We’ve already received assistance from the Elements of Water and Air. This time, the Element of Fire joins us in our transformative inner […]

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Alma Lewtom