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in Healing
Cleansing and Purification (III): The Element of Fire
A healing journey where the Elements of Water, Air, Fire and Earth assist us in releasing our emotional troubles and help us let go of what no longer serves us. The Third Element in this Journey: Fire.
Cleansing and Purification (II): The Element of Air
A healing journey where the Elements of Water, Air, Fire and Earth assist us in releasing our emotional troubles and help us let go of what no longer serves us. The Second Element in this Journey: Air.
Cleansing and Purification (I): The Element of Water
A healing journey where the Elements of Water, Air, Fire and Earth assist us in releasing our emotional troubles and help us let go of what no longer serves us. The First Element in this Journey: Water.
Resilience: The Strength To Get Back Up After Falling
When we recover from hardship, we build Resilience. The more resilient we become, the more able we become to face the challenges Life brings us. This article explores how to get back up after we fall, and how to strengthen our resilience muscles.