Cleansing and Purification (III): The Element of Fire
Let’s continue our Cleansing and Purification with the Elements Journey! We’ve already received assistance from the Elements of Water and Air. This time, the Element of Fire joins us in our transformative inner travel.
Fire, A Powerful Agent of Transformation
A very powerful element, Fire is an agent of transformation and regeneration. It harnesses a lot of power and energy, and its properties are vital for the Creation and Sustenance of Life. By disintegrating forms and releasing fiery energy through the process of burning, Fire is truly potent.
Fire has been present in myths and rituals in all cultures since the dawn of humanity. Linked to solar symbolism, Fire has been seen as an extension of The Sun, and also pertaining to the Gods, probably due to its high potency as an element. Perhaps the most notorious is the Greek myth of Prometheus, who stole the fire from the Gods and returned it to the mortals on Earth, but was then punished by Zeus for it.
In its positive polarity, Fire brings purification and rebirth. In its negative polarity, it can bring frightful destruction. Then again, it is up to the ones who have access to this godly power of the Fire Element to use it responsibly and for the highest good of all.
Cleansing and Purification with Fire Meditation
Since the Element of Fire is so powerful in bringing transformation, I’m so happy that we’ve reached the point in our journey where we meet the Flames.
The Cleansing and Purification with Fire Meditation will offer us a great helping hand in transmuting our suffering. And I’m sure it will melt our worries and sorrows, and ignite our passion for Life! Hihi.
I welcome you to access it (and the other 3 meditations) by signing up below:
Much Love,
P.S. I’d love to hear how this Journey is playing out for you! Remember, you can always reach out to me in the comments. Much Love, dear Friend!
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