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in Emotional Health
Humiliation: How to Recover From It
One of The 5 Soul Wounds, Humiliation is a form of degradation to the Self. This article explores the nature of this soul wound and how to heal it on the inner and outer levels.
The 5 Soul Wounds and How to Heal Them
At the basis of every hurt and trauma stands one of the 5 core soul wounds: Humiliation, Injustice, Rejection, Abandonment, and Betrayal. This article explores these 5 Soul Wounds and How To Heal Them.
Spirit, the Element Connecting Everything in Existence
Throughout time, the four Elements (Water, Air, Fire, and Earth) have been considered as the "Cardinal Points" of material existence. In alchemical tradition, there has also been the question of whether there is a fifth Element: Spirit. This article explores Spirit as the Fifth Element.
Cleansing and Purification (IV): The Element of Earth
A healing journey where the Elements of Water, Air, Fire and Earth assist us in releasing our emotional troubles and help us let go of what no longer serves us. The Fourth Element in this Journey: Earth.