Art: The Meaning
The Form, the Substance, and now, the Meaning.
What is the significance of Art? Why is Art meaningful?
Let’s uncover some insights about this topic:
Meaning in Art
I feel that when it comes to the significance of Art, it comes to the relationship between the subject and the object. The Art and the Artist. The Artist, The Art, and The Shared Experience.
There is a participatory relationship between the subject and the object, as it relates to Art being meaningful in our lives. The maker, the viewer, the participants to the creative act find the meaning in the Art.
The Art just is.
The Meaning of Art
All Art regardless of its Form is a reflection of the Substance of Spirit, expressed through the Artist. It is an act of self-expression and thus self-actualization. The Meaning of Art is intrinsically related to Self.
The significance of Art can also be found in making the unknown known. In making the inner and outer worlds come alive.
There are infinite ways to perceiving and interpreting Art, depending much on context, and yet again, on the participants to the creative act.
My Art
The Meaning in my Art is closely linked to the reason why I create certain Art pieces. For example, the Originals are always a representation of my inner reality at the moment of the Creation, and their significance is inherent in it. While my Prints are representations of the Originals and they also carry the story behind their Creation, as you can discover in their descriptions. And, my first book of Poetry has meaning encoded in each poem.
This being said, thank you for being here having the shared experience of this Creative Act. May it serve us well! And may the Meaning we see in it be of our highest good.
Many Blessings,
Emil Hjort
You are awesome. Thank you for taking us on a tour into the details of art. I have always wanted to study art, but have not done it so far. I also wish I could experience more art. Most of my friends don’t care about art, so I guess I have to find some friends who are interested in the subject 😉
I think art works a bit like magic, or it does when I create poems. You talk about Spirit, but I also think Spirit is related to magic. It is this higher “entity” which makes magic work.
Have you tried magic before? It really does work, if you can summon the Spirit.
Alma Lewtom
Thank you, Emil! I’m happy that you’ve been enjoying my insights into Art! I don’t have an official Art degree, but Art has been, it is and will always be a part of my life.
About magic, I feel it’s more accurate for me to use the term miraculous instead. There is a miraculous side to Creation, and that is also linked to Spirit, as I see it. Would you say the same?
Hope you’re doing well!