Alma Lewtom

The Heart Journey (II): 3 Steps to Unlock Your Intuition

Welcome to the The Heart Journey! I’m so happy you’re here.

This journey is meant to deepen our connection to our heart, and to bring forth the full expression of its aliveness. For this purpose I created a meditation named Awaken The Power of Your Heart that you can access here, and a unique journal: My Heart Journal.

We’ll also deepen this inner exploration through 3 articles: creating heart coherence, unlocking your intuition, and bringing your deepest desires to Life.

In this blog post, we’ll talk about Intuition: what it is, how to unlock it, and why. Let’s begin:


What Is Intuition?

From my point of view, intuition is our inner guidance system. It’s the inner compass which points us in the right direction for our life. When we are connected to our intuition, our life unfolds elegantly, beautifully, and even miraculously. When we don’t listen to our intuition, we encounter difficulties on different levels of our existence.

According to HeartMath Institute’s Science of The Heart, there are 3 types of intuition:

⦁ Implicit knowledge refers to learning that comes from previous experience, which we may have forgotten or didn’t even realize we had, but which is stored in our long-term memory and can be accessed by the heart and brain.
⦁ Energetic sensitivity is “the ability of the nervous system to detect and respond to environmental signals such as electromagnetic fields”.
⦁ Nonlocal Intuition refers to the information the heart receives and processes even before certain events take place, and this fact has been backed by “compelling evidence to suggest the physical heart is coupled to a field of information not bound by the classical limits of time and space.”

(Science of The Heart, Vol. 2, Chapter 7)


3 Steps To Unlock Your Intuition

From what I’ve learnt experientially and by studying, our intuition is always active and it lives within the heart. Certain experiences can have us turn it off, as if we block it. Yet we can always choose to do what is necessary to re-activate it. We can choose to let it guide us in our journey.

Here are 3 Steps to Unlock Your Intuition:

1. Meditate: take the time to go inward, connect to Your Heart and listen to the still voice beyond the chatter of the mind
2. Journal: it’s more powerful to write down the insights and answers you receive during your introspection; new awareness may also come to you while you write
3. Take inspired action: the more you act on your intuitive signals, the more confident you’ll become and the more you’ll strengthen your connection to your intuition, which will make it easier for you to access it


Why Would We Want To Be Fully Connected To Our Intuition?

When we listen to our intuition, we overcome life challenges with ease and grace. We find solutions to any problems that may occur on our path. We know what to do and how to do it.

I also believe that letting our intuition lead the way brings us more love, joy, creativity and connection. It lets us truly experience the joie de vivre that is our birthright.

And, when more and more of us are aware of the power and love within our Heart and live from a space of feeling fully connected to our intuition, our Society will naturally flourish. There would be Harmony within Humanity and with Nature.


My Heart Journal, The Perfect Tool

I dedicated a whole chapter of The Heart Journal to Unlocking Your Intuition. I believe that this is such an essential part of this journey! This chapter contains 9 prompts designed to help you fully activate your intuition, and strengthen your connection to your Heart’s guiding voice.

The Heart Journal is also the perfect tool for diving deep into your psyche, expressing your creativity through writing, and gaining crystal clarity about your Life. It will help you become clear about what you desire from different areas of your life. It will also help you create the changes you wish to make in your life. Putting pen to paper is a powerful way to consciously create your life! Check all the details here.

My Heart Journal by Alma Lewtom


I hope you’ve enjoyed this article, and that it has been of value to you. See you next week, when we talk about your Heart’s desires.

From My Heart To Your Heart,
With All The Love,


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Alma Lewtom