Alma Lewtom

Awaken The Power of Your Heart Meditation

A long-time journal lover, I felt inspired to create my own journal: My Heart Journal, the perfect tool for diving deep into your psyche, expressing your creativity through writing, and gaining crystal clarity about your Life.
My Heart Journal is an important part of The Heart Journey, the inner exploration designed to connect us with our heart and bring it to coherence, and the full expression of its aliveness. For this purpose, I also created a meditation named Awaken The Power of Your Heart, which will help you:
 ✓ Connect with The Infinite Power and Wisdom of Your Heart
 ✓ Unlock Your Intuition
 ✓ Become Clear about Your Heart’s Deepest Desires & How to Bring Them to Life



Sign up with your name & email below, and you’ll receive an email with the link to download the meditation:
I hope you’ll enjoy this meditation, that it will help you fully feel the loving power of your heart, and that it will give you what you need most at this time in your journey. Claim your free gift now and join me in this inner exploration!
From My Heart To Your Heart,
With All The Love,

P.S. I’ve created this journey for my inner healing and it is for entertainment purposes only. It’s not meant to diagnose or treat any health condition. If you are experiencing mental health symptoms, please contact a mental health provider in your community. Much Love ♡

Alma Lewtom