Art: The Form
Art: the matter of it is complex and multi-faceted, to say the least. What is Art? What makes the Artist? How does the Artist arrive to the composition that passes the test of time? How does the Artist find his Forms?
These permeating questions can only be answered from that space of reflection and introspection, where they are also coming into existence.
Art is an exploration of the self and an examination of the inner life. It is a whole-hearted act of self-creation, where the mind, the spirit and the hands converge. It’s a portal to the ineffable space of imagery and profound insight. It penetrates into an extraordinary world, significantly different from the world of common perception and practicalities.
The Language of Form
By experimenting with the language of form, of color, sound, senses, the Artist realizes that these influence each other. He recognizes the psychological workings of form, as well as the impressions that it leaves on the soul.
Line by line, shape by shape, idea after idea, emotion after emotion, the Artist discovers his inner reality and tunes it to the external one. Every line, every tone, every nuance, every shape and every shade is carefully considered, so that the composition as a whole achieves its purpose.
From Formlessness to Form
There are many approaches to art-making, and there are many techniques for making the invisible visible and forms out of formlessness.
And that is expected—after all, everyone has their own creative process, which is unique, personal and intimate. Each Artist finds the one that suits him best. He plunges into the pools of formlessness until he reaches the composition that is most attuned to the layers of meaning he wants to imbue his work with.
What is certain for me is that it’s such a thrill to immerse yourself in a creative process, to let your imagination stream without hindrance, to let your knowledge and intuition guide you, until you eventually get to the final state of that which you are creating.
In My Art, The Form
Ever since I started listening seriously to my creative calling, the brushes and the colors of the paint have been revealing my inner reality through my Originals. And I’m happy that you can also own my artworks in the form of Limited Edition Art Prints. They are created in special art laboratories, either on high quality art-paper or canvas, and they’re such a joy to my sight.
For now, the first poetry book I shaped out of formlessness is available as ebook or audiobook in digital form, on my website. I’d love for you to be able to hold it your hands physically too. I hope you’ll have that option soon, should you wish to!
And so, our Creative Journey continues. Thank you for being here with me! May We Form our World with Love and Wisdom,
P.S. This blog article is a re-interpretation of my short essay on Art “The Quest To Find Form”. It contains many excerpts from it, some re-edited now in 2021. First published in FOCUS Student Magazine, Spring Issue 2017, “The Quest To Find Form” can be found on issuu here.