Alma Lewtom

FLOW (II): How Do We Get There?

Welcome to the second part of The Flow Experience!

Last time we looked at What Is The Flow Experience, and now we explore the next topic: How Do We Get There? Let’s continue:


Desire is The Key to Opening The Door to The Flow Zone

When I asked myself How do I consciously access The Flow State, I heard this answer: The Key is Desire.

Desire is what drives us to the state of being that’s congruent with The Flow, and to the actions that are conducive of this state.

Becoming aware of your true wishes and then taking action to make your desires to come true is what brings this state in your life.

It is also required to be in a state of absolute union with the present moment while taking the actions that make the desire come true. If we notice that the mind starts focusing on the past or the future, we gently bring it back to the present moment. This is a practice. And so is experiencing this state.


No Cross-Purposes Forces Within or Without

Cross-Purposes Forces are oppositional pressures that act like brakes to our ability to consciously create The Flow Experience in our lives.

Conflictual dynamics—within or without—stop us from fully being in The Flow Zone. Antagonism stops us from being in this state because it diverges our attention towards the conflict instead of harmoniously aligning it with our desired outcome.

An example of an inner conflictual dynamic is what the field of psychology calls cognitive dissonance. Outer conflictual dynamics also stop us from fully experiencing The Flow State. When we are caught up in interpersonal conflicts, it’s difficult to be in this state for a prolonged time. We need peace and tranquility to be able to live in this state.


How to Consciously Access The Flow State

Since conflictual dynamics are the biggest brakes to full experiencing The Flow State, it goes without saying that we should consider solving the inner and outer conflicts that affect our energy. Sometimes we can do so through introspection, and then changing our behaviour. Sometimes therapy—the many forms that exist by now—can help. Or sometimes we need to walk away and protect our energy because we cannot do anything to actually solve a conflict that’s not even our own, really.

Also, clearing our vision and becoming clear and decisive about our desires and goals ensures that we grant ourselves the key to open the door to the Flow Zone. Once we opened the door, it’s time to take action. We flow.


This being said, I hope you’ve enjoyed the insights discussed in this second part of The Flow Experience! I’m looking forward to hearing from you—what do you think about this topic? I invite you to let me know in the comments below. I’m so curious!


My Heart Journal by Alma Lewtom
After The Storm Comes The Sun-Illustrated Children's Book
The Inner Child Healing Journey
Art Prints


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Alma Lewtom