Alma Lewtom

10 Benefits of Journaling

Journaling is one of the most rewarding self-care practices that you can implement for yourself. Keeping a journal improves your mental and emotional health, which in turn influences your physical health as well. There are many ways in which journaling is beneficial for you.

Join me for this blog post, and let’s look at 10 benefits of journaling:


10 Benefits of Journaling

Here are 10 ways in which journaling can help you on many levels:

1. Improved Mental Health:
⦁ By expressing our thoughts and feelings in writing, we release tensions, and get mental clarity.
⦁ Writing helps us with states of depression and anxiety by providing an outlet for expression, which in turn allows us to move into more peaceful states.

2. Enhanced Emotional Intelligence:
⦁ Reflecting on our relationship with ourself and interactions with others in writing allows us to gain more understanding and empathy.
⦁ Journaling regularly about our experiences and emotions helps us increase our self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

3. Enhanced Creativity:
⦁ Our journal gives us the space to explore different ideas and perspectives without judgment.
⦁ Journaling regularly stimulates creative thinking and enhances our creativity.

4. Better Memory & Comprehension:
⦁ When we write things down, we reinforce our memory. Reading what we wrote in the past also helps us recall the events and feelings easier.
⦁ It also helps us organize our thoughts and make sense of our experiences and the life lessons learnt from them.

5. It Encourages Goal-Setting & Achievement:
⦁ When we journal about our goals, we clarify our intentions and we keep ourselves motivated to achieve them.
⦁ Our journal allows us to reflect on our successes and on the areas we’d like to improve.

6. Improved Writing Skills:
⦁ When we practice consistently, we inevitably improve our writing skills.
⦁ Journaling gives us the chance to connect with our authentic voice, and let it express what it has to express without any chains.

7. It Promotes Problem Solving:
⦁ Journaling allows us to get clarity on our life challenges and consider multiple solutions.
⦁ When we write down our issues, we engage our analytical thinking and we are able to get clarity on the pros and cons of different options.

8. It Strengthens Self-Discipline:
⦁ We foster our self-discipline when we commit to journaling regularly.
⦁ It helps us realize we are empowered to create healthy habits in our life.

9. It Supports Personal Growth and Development:
⦁ Reflecting on our life in writing allows us to recognize our behavior patterns and make changes as needed, thus supporting our personal growth and development.

10. It’s a Safe Space for Expression:
⦁ Our journal is our safe space for expressing our most intimate thoughts and feelings, without the fear of being judged or rejected.
⦁ Journaling is one of the healthiest ways to process difficult experiences and traumas, and to liberate ourselves from the psychological and emotional burdens of such experiences.


My Heart Journal

If you’re new to journaling and the blank page intimidates you, My Heart Journal is the perfect choice for you. The prompts can help you release your writing blocks and let yourself write freely your answers to the questions.

And if you’re an old journal lover like I am, I think you’d love this journal, too! I designed a journal I love, after keeping journals for years.

My Heart Journal by Alma Lewtom

My Heart Journal is the perfect tool for diving deep into your psyche, expressing your creativity through writing, and gaining crystal clarity about your Life. It will help you become clear about what you desire from different areas of your life, and it will help you create the changes you wish to make in your life. Putting pen to paper is a powerful way to consciously create your life! Check all the details here.

With Love,

My Heart Journal by Alma Lewtom
After The Storm Comes The Sun-Illustrated Children's Book
The Inner Child Healing Journey
Art Prints


One Comment

  • Emil Hjort

    Used to analyze and write down my dreams for a few years, did unlock a lot of unconscious material.
    Hey, maybe I’ll give it a try!

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Alma Lewtom